Important notification

Scannexus is an Ultra-High-Field MRI centre.

Scannexus facilitates researchers, clinicians and industry in formulating and answering their research questions. We offer a combination of state-of-the-art clinical imaging technology and expertise in MRI operations and development, experimental designs and data analysis. Through this, we provide a full support package for imaging-related research. You provide the question, we support your search for the answer.

Research & development

The core elements of the Scannexus facility are three Ultra High-Field whole-body clinical MRI scanners, supplied by Siemens; a 3T Magnetom Prisma, a 7T Magnetom and a 9.4T Magnetom.


Services and technology

Scannexus offers you a unique combination of services and technologies. Access to world-leading Ultra High-Field MRI scanners (3T, 7T, 9.4T), is combined with dedicated customer-focused operational support, and the expertise of our clinical and technical networks.

  • Newsletter 05-2022
    Are you curious about what is going on at our facilities? We would like to give you a small impression.